Mohammad's narration of
We Need Trees

It all started from a dream. In my dream I realized I needed to start a journey. I knew I had to do something for the nature but I had no particular specialty in line with environment or nature. But I decided to plant trees. I had always associated trees with nature and ever since childhood I always liked trees. I remember there was an apple tree in our house which I liked so much. The tree was cut down and I cried for days.
Later on, in my teenage I loved an only tree in the middle some valley around Mashhad. I would go to visit the tree every Tuesday. I vividly remember the day I went over, but that tree was also cut down…
What We Do

The mission of WeNeedTrees Association is to educate and build awareness of the importance of each individual’s role in sustaining a healthy environment through Love and Respect for nature. Love and Respect for nature provides Hope for a better world.
The Association develop resources for teachers and students to help with an understanding and appreciation of the importance of trees in our well-being and the well-being of the planet to sustain life as we know it.

A goal is to have the Association, We Need Trees, active in several countries, creating world-wide memberships.
Our aim is to empower individuals to take action based on the attitudes and values of Love and Respect, through the use of the symbol of a tree, a symbol of life and giving.
The Association develops educational resources specifically to WeNeedTrees, using stories that can be used as vehicles for supporting philosophical discussions with children and students. It also sponsors events that promote the values and attitudes of Respect, Love, and Hope, activities centred around cycling and / or tree planting initiatives.

Why Trees And Children
Environmental degradation is affecting the planet’s social, political, economical well being, as well as our health. The longer we wait to reverse our global crisis, the more difficult it will be to make it right.
We trust that they will come to respect trees for what they are and for the role they have on the elements that sustain life on earth: water and air, to include the plants and creatures that depend on the trees and upon whom we depend, indirectly. We hope that the students will find trees that inspire awe in them and thus want to protect them.
We are optimistic that our work with the children will inspire the children to actively work for a greener future. Like a tree that began as a seed, that has roots in the soil, grows, matures, and reaches up to the sky, our work with the children may be the seed that grounds some of these children and allows them to reach high, to be the change agent that will address our current environmental challenges.
We trust that our work will help students see that the state of nature and the state of humans are interconnected.
In an effort to address our environmental challenges, we aim to create a shift in our thinking, to raise the consciousness of the young to a level that will empower them to do what is right for the environment.
We hope that each child will come to recognize that every action counts, and that they have an important role to play in changing our current situation.

Our Approach
‘We Need Trees’ association is an environmental project aiming to make a positive difference through learning.
We have organized workshops and courses in which we promote the use of practical ideas for volunteers to use when working with children. In tandem, we have organized various activities that bring communities together for the benefit of inspiring us to create a greener and cleaner environment.

The funding for the Association comes from membership dues, sales of books on environmental issues, branded clothing, donations and proceeds from various events.

The Association is governed by its bylaws and is managed by a board of directors and others who volunteer their time, energy and talents.
To build on the success of Mr. Tajeran, the Association wants to develop country level organizations, manned by volunteers, to engage in dialogue and discussions with students in schools around the principles of Love, Respect, and Hope, and how these attitudes affect our actions. The values and attitudes of Love, Respect, and Hope are at the core of WeNeedTrees.
The association is a volunteer organization and none of the directors or country level organizations are compensated in any way. All directors and country level volunteers are paying members.

Staff Training
We work with local facilitators, who are familiar with the language, culture and environmental issues in their country, to assist them in interacting in meaningful and productive ways with students in their area.
‘We Need Trees’ Association tries to create a network of environment-friendly-minded people from around the world, to help promote our need for trees, using “Adam” as a spokesperson.
The facilitators are given training in how to engage students in philosophical discussions. They are asked to read materials, are given some basic teaching skills, and have access to some hands-on activities to use with the students.
It is our hope, just as the tree is a symbol of hope and peace, that the facilitators will infuse a love for nature in the heart of the children, so that they will be ready to commit to protecting nature.

Use Of Funds
The funds are used to develop the educational material, videos, clothing and to support the any costs associated to the website development and it maintenance.

How We Began
We began with a pilot project in 2018 in Iran. A curriculum was developed, training was provided to volunteer Facilitators, and with the curriculum in hand, these volunteer Facilitators went into schools to work with groups of students.
Since 2018 our membership has increased and we have sought out, and continue to seek out, those who share our passion about taking care of our environment to serve as Facilitators.
Summary of our work

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Who is Adam ?
This cartoon character is called Adam !! Adam is an inspired character who loves trees and his presence in our workshop can help the fascinators (facilitators)to interact with children simply and sincerely. Adam also has a great presence in our product.

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