WNT education
Yes, in our next stage we will try to provide educational material regarding local problems. It needs some study and could be available .after some research
Educational material will be downloadable PDF, Videos and PowerPoint
. Please go to the product section to select the item of interest to you
Curriculum is the educational program that describes the aims, learner objectives, core understandings, essential questions , new knowledge and skills along with the methodologies and resources. The activities suggested address those learner outcomes and understandings. .Methodologies is inquiry based and reflective discourse
Depends on time vacancy and schedule of the facilitator. Should be considered that each school needs to visit 4-6 times during the school year plus an activity which consumes roughly around 10-15 hours per year. One can decide how many schools s/he can cover ?
To become a member of WNT association, you need to simply click on ” Join us” button at the top right hand side of the any page. .Simply fill up the form and pay the membership fee that applies to your region
The founds will be used to support the development of educational material, acquisition of merchandise, website development and .office supplies
One family can register whole family members and pay fixed membership fee for only 4 person. Student’s membership is 50% of the normal membership regarding the local zone on the world map and corporation membership is for companies who are willing to be a member under the name of the company
There are many benefits of being a member: -Being a member of an organization that shares common interest in increasing awareness of the environment and educating children. -Having access to educational material. -Develop a network of like minded people. -Satisfaction in knowing that your contribution is helping to make a better world
You should become a member in your local area. However if you wish to join the Association as member from another area, the membership fee for that area will apply to you.
Once you become a member, you will be invited to join the Facebook group. This is a private group where you can interact with other members of the association. Question relating to the Association please contact us directly. Country coordinators and local facilitators are listed in the We Need Trees Association’s website in the related country page.
Membership is for one year renewable. Should a person wish not to continue, the membership will cease upon non renewal.
Facilitating WNT programs
The facilitator is one who provides instruction according to the curriculum to the classes. Facilitator must be a current member and good standing.
To be come a facilitator we request candidates must complete the application and provide a copy of most recent CV, please find the application on our website at the top right next to my account and other social icons. Simply click on Adam’s facilitator icon to apply.( Forms are available only to premium members ) Once your application and CV are reviewed you will be contacted for an online interview. A person who successfully meets the qualification will become Adam’s facilitator.
A facilitator needs to have ability to lead a philosophical discussion with children. A facilitator’s goal is to have the children talk to one another about the issues, not tell them what s/he think. Someone who can be a good listener and follow up with open ended questions.
The educational material is developed in English and can be adopted to local market needs. All communication between the facilitator and We Need Trees association should be in English.
The information provided by the Association is information regarding the curriculum and facilitator guide lines. If additional assistance is required the Association’s staff are available to help.
Each class should be visited 4-6 times with the aim of ending the year with a community service action, such a tree planting, cleaning local environment, …etc.
Support WNT
You can simply use PayPal button on the right side bar in Home page or find association’s bank account details to transfer money to the account directly, using the link ” Support us” Donation of any size is welcome from individuals or companies.
It is possible to specify your supports to the local programs, but it should be done through main office in Geneva. You can send your supports via local representative, but should officially mentioned that your supports should goes to some certain projects.
To become a volunteer, first should become a member. While filling the membership form you specify on which area you have skills or interest to help. Once we determine the needs we will contact you.